Lean Six Sigma

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is Success.”

 Henry Ford

International Certification

Global certification to set you apart on Interviews and get new Jobs

Hands-on Approach

Practical tools that really work on real company settings and get quick results

Professors from Top-Companies

Practitioner lecturers from market reference companies

MBA Tailored-Made

Programs designed for MBAs,
Upper-Management and Leadership audiences


Define Phase

  • Business case
  • Goal segmentation, Financial impact
  • Team creation, Stakeholder analysis
  • Project contract

Measure Phase

  • Basic statistics; Histogram
  • Analysis of measurement system
  • Calculation of the process capacity (Sigma level)
  • Process flow / Fishbone / C&E matrix /
  • Effort & Impact
  • Histogram / Pareto
  • Box Plot / Dot Plot / Scatter Diagram /
  • Run Chart
  • FMEA
  • Hypothesis test / 2-Sample t / Anova
  • Regression analysis / Chi-squared

Analyse Phase

  • Brainstorming / Action plan
  • Optimal process flow
  • New process capacity (Sigma level calculation)


Improve Phase

  • Improve Tools
  • Improve Simulations & Games
  • Improve Tools & Simulations
    (5S, Visual Mngt, Traps, others)

Control Phase

  • SPC (Statistical Process Control)
  • Pokayokes
  • Procedures and work instructions
  • Change management


  • 4h, 8h, 16h or 32+h modules
  • Weekends, Work-Time, Evenings


  • Recorded Lessons
  • Live (Online or Classroom)


  • More attractive CV. More career opportunities. Quicker professional development
  • Proven methodology to solve problems and achieve goals
  • 75% of multinationals use or require in recruitment processes

Learn how to:

  • Understand Lean Six Sigma

  • Achieve goals and solve problems quicker

  • Develop an unique analytical mind set

Professors from inovative companies such as:

Why Optness?

Satisfaction guarantee
1 %
1 +
Years on top universities
1 +
Professional usefullness/diferenciation
1 %

* Prices exclusively for Optness partner schools