Management Consulting Season
Welcome back to the MBA talk podcast I’m your host Andres, and this podcast is brought to you by Optness Institute where we teach advanced

Networking for MBAs
Welcome to the MBA talk Podcast, where we talk everything about career progression for MBAs. I’m joined today by Orestes Peristeris, Optness professor and employee

Companies Discovery
In this episode, we will talk about the discovery of companies or how to do research on companies we as MBAs may want to join.

Management Consulting – Part 2
This is the second part of the first episode of the management consultant series. Be sure to check the first part of the first episode

Management Consulting – Part 1
Hello and welcome to the MBA talk podcast. I’m very happy to present to you this new podcast series about management consultancy. To produce this

Tender Process Optimization in Pharma
SUMMARY KEYWORDS price, company, tender, winning, vendors, reps, statistical analysis, started, project, suspended, analyzing, beading, sales, goal, factors, reduce, dossier, director, collected, increase Business Case
Update your LinkedIn Profile and Resumé
Update your LinkedIn profile Include the certification in the Education section Bring your profile information and up-to-date instructions: 1. Click on this link to start
Further Your Six Sigma Knowledge
Minitab Workspace Minitab Workspace is a collaborative workspace that has an enormous amount of useful tools and templates. Is a collection of Six Sigma tools
Lean Six Sigma Inside Companies
Lean Six Sigma MBA Jobs Common positions suited for Green Belts with an MBA degree usually are in: Change Management Consulting Marketing & Sales Management