MBA Talk MBA TALK – Eddy Zakes from IESE Business School How do you define entrepreneurship? In this interview, we are joined by Eddy Zakes. Eddy is an IESE MBA graduate in 2017 and is currently janeiro 23, 2020
MBA MBA TALK Podcast – Intro Thank you for joining for this episode of the MBA Talk podcast, a podcast brought to you by Optness Institute. You can find all notes janeiro 22, 2020
MBA Talk MBA TALK – Parker Treacy from Cobli Would you leave the comfort of your home in Boston to move to tropical São Paulo? Even without knowing a word of Portuguese? Parker Treacy janeiro 22, 2020
MBA Talk MBA TALK – Adrien Stern From MEDIARITE Would you consider to make a big change in your career to follow your dream job? In this episode, we are joined by Adrien Stern, janeiro 16, 2020
MBA Talk MBA TALK – J. Morgan Keim from Sprouted Ventures Have you already tasted any of those burgers with plant-based meat? I’m talking about Impossible Burger or Beyond Meat brands. In this interview, we are dezembro 26, 2019