Emotional Inteligence & Resilience

“I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

International Certification

Global certification to set you apart on Interviews and get new Jobs

Hands-on Approach

Practical tools that really work on real company settings and get quick results

Professors from Top-Companies

Practitioner lecturers from market reference companies

MBA Tailored-Made

Programs designed for MBAs,
Upper-Management and Leadership audiences


Module 01 

  • Key points of Emotional Intelligence
  • Skills mapping
  • Farewell to limiting beliefs
  • Sabotaging your saboteurs

Module 02 

  • The science of emotions
  • Brain functioning
  • The method for managing emotions
  • Emotional control in stressful situations
  • Assertive decisions under pressure
Module 03 
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Empathy 2.0: the real meaning of the word
  • How to be truly empathetic
  • Real judgment vs. Value judgment

Module 04 

  • Assertive communication
  • Understanding and dealing with difficult people
  • The languages of personal valorization and how to apply them From feedback to “feedforward”

Module 05

  • Mental Toughness
  • High Performance Professionals Setting up their Mindset
  • The atlas of emotions
  • 4 Coaching tools to apply the next day

Module 06 

  • NLP and neuroscience
  • How the brain captures information – the 3 pillars of NLP
  • Mechanism for developing teams with emotional intelligence

Module 07

  • The science of happiness
  • Optimism Thinking: legend or truth?
  • The benefits of happiness for memory and intelligence

Module 08

  • Final challenge


  • 4h, 8h, 16h or 32+h modules
  • Weekends, Work-Time, Evenings


  • Recorded Lessons
  • Live (Online or Classroom)


  • It allows for better teamwork
  • It’s an essential people skill
  • It’s a key feature of a strong leader

Learn how to:

  • Deal better with change
  • Understand your emotions
  • Take better decisions

Professors from inovative companies such as:

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Satisfaction guarantee
1 %
1 +
Years on top universities
1 +
Professional usefullness/diferenciation
1 %

* Prices exclusively for Optness partner schools