Reach the break-even point faster at your new MBA job

A coaching program aimed to MBA Graduates looking to make the greatest impact in their internship or new job in order to secure a path of career success and fast promotion.


MBA and Analytical Skills are only part of the equation when entering a new role.

A proven method such as Six Sigma for Management combined with Resilience and Communication Skills can multiply significantly your MBA investment.

Combo: SS / Res / Com.

Get 90 days internship coaching to do a great Intern Project or to start your new job after MBA >>> a mentor for 90 days…





se un ragazzo fa il workshop con noi, se lui vuole fare un coaching, affiancamento dell’applicazione del corso six sigma sul suo summer internship

5 sessioni di coaching per altri 450 EUR

certificazione di progetto

bella figura

aumenta la probabilita di ricevere un offer dopo il summer




Transitions into new roles our defining moments for leaders

Opinions of your effectiveness begin to form surprisingly quickly. Once formed they’re hard to change. The momentum you build early on can propel you through the rest of your tenure in a new role. However if you get into trouble early, downward spirals can be very difficult to reverse. By following the first 90 days transition roadmap you will avoid making early mistakes and get up to speed faster and better in your new role. It will help you to do the right things at the right times to lay the foundation for your success. When new leaders derail, failure to learn effectively almost always as a factor.

 Learning during a transition can feel like drinking from a firehose.
 it’s essential that you figure out what you need to know about your new organization and then learn it as rapidly as possible.
 to help you absorb the torrent of information and turn it into actionable insights you need to set learning goals increase the efficiency of your learning process and build a learning plan.
 that’s why the first element of the transition roadmap is to accelerate your learning.

 as you take charge in a new role you often will be expected to improve the performance of your organization.
 you would therefore need to be an expert in the process of leading change.
 you’ll need to have a clear understanding of the business situation you have inherited.
 the Stars model gives you a framework for diagnosing your situation it lays out five distinct change scenarios startup turnaround accelerated growth realignment and sustaining success.
 in all likelihood you face a mix of star situations each one of which require a different strategy and style.
 so you need to figure out how to match your strategy to the situation.

 building relationships and gaining alignment with your new manager and other key stakeholders will be central to your success.
 too many new leaders wait for their new boss and others to define their goals and communicate their expectations.
 as a result they miss opportunities to learn about and influence what success looks like.
 you’re therefore should plan to have the right conversations about the situation expectations resources and communication style.
 doing so will enable you to gain alignment.

 as you learn more about your new role you can establish direction for yourself and your team.
 you to provide your people with clarity about what needs to be done how it will be accomplished and why they should get excited about doing it.
 this means identifying your priorities defining your strategy and creating your vision.
 doing so is the essence of establishing direction for your new organization.

 to deliver results you need to build and mobilize your team.
 however like most leaders moving into new roles you probably inherited your predecessors team.
 now you need to assess its strengths and weaknesses and then reshape and align it with your priorities strategy and vision.
 doing so while continuing to achieve results can feel like repairing an airplane in mid-flight so you need to be efficient and effective in assessing reshaping and aligning your new team.

 leaders in transition energize people by getting early wins.
 early wins are quick tangible improvements in the business that help create a sense of momentum.
 the best candidates for early wins or problems you can tackle quickly and yield visible operational and financial gains.
 so you need to identify promising ways to create momentum and then organize to achieve them as efficiently and as effectively as possible.
 doing so lets you secure early wins.

 the foundation of effective influence and organizations is building alliances to help you achieve your most important goals such as getting early wins. you would therefore need to focus on identifying the powerful players in the organization understanding what they care about and gaining their support.
 it’s all too easy to focus on the technical side of business and not enough on organizational culture and politics. that’s why the final element of the transition roadmap is create alliances.

 by following the first 90 days transition roadmap you will get up to speed faster and better.
 leaders who are systemic in planning their transitions reach the break-even point that’s the point at which you really begin to add value 40% faster than those who don’t 

to learn more about how to speed up transitions in your organization contact Genesis advisors we offer transition coaching workshops online support tools and blended solutions so you can use the first 90 days to accelerate everyone

they also are designed to be plugged into existing onboarding and leadership development processes all are based on the transition roadmap a proven framework language and toolkit for taking charge effectively in new roles

How the program is structured?

Management Excellence & Lean Six Sigma

  • Integrated techniques of Leadership, Project Management, Lean and Six Sigma.
  • Double international certification via Optness Institute (Management Excellence and Lean Six Sigma).
  • Experience in more than 20 countries with excellent satisfaction rates.


  1. Presentation of Lean Six Sigma concepts
  2. Process and metrics management
  3. Excellence Management & Leadership
  4. DMAIC Methodology & Strategy
  5. Statistical, Project Management and Planning Tools
  6. Exercise and simulation Projects (America or Europe)


  • Tested and Appreciated Approach in more than 20 countries
  • Double International Certificate of Optness Institute
  • Cost Reduction with improved processes for Companies
  • Project Supervision (America or Europe)

Who is this boot camp for?

  • MBA students and business undergraduates that want to get into a specific sector
  • Candidates who want to know how to be successful systematically
  • Professionals looking a promotion and professional growth
  • Anyone seeking to improve their decision making process

What is Lean Six Sigma?

Why Lean Six Sigma?

  • More attractive CV. More career opportunities and quicker professional development
  • Proven methodology to solve problems and achieve goals
  • 75% of multinationals use or require in recruitment processes

Why Optness?

  • Proven International Quality (experience in 20+ countries)
  • Unique Management Approach of Six Sigma
  • Partnership with Top MBA Schools
  • We have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Policy
Satisfaction Feedback at European Business Schools: 9,1
Satisfaction Feedback at American Business Schools: 9,4

Why attend a boot camp?

Our live courses pulls no punches. Each boot camp is the same intensive training used to prepare incoming analysts at top pharma and healthcare institutions.
Attendees “learn by doing” by working through practical exercises and building statistics models from scratch using real case studies.
Boot camps provide an opportunity to network with MBAs and professionals.
Our instructor-practitioners are experienced managers who give real-world context by connecting training to their own experience on the desk.
Get a desirable and recognized certification in Fortune 500 companies, or get a competitive advantage by mastering a recognized methodology for managing Healthcare institutions.
Data Analytics, Process Improvement and Control, Unbiased Decision-Making and better Project Management skills. Learn to get results fast.
Learn how all tools connect together. Get better and unbiased in management decisions. Get a systematic and structured approach to on problem solving.
Prepare for your MBA internship. Know what to do in your first 90 days at new job, regardless if it is a new role or industry for you.

Results and feedback
MBA Courses Feedbacks MBA Courses Feedbacks

Overall Satisfaction
1 %
Differentiation in CV / Work Market
1 %
Usefulness in Professional Life
1 %

Partner Schools

Feedbacks & Testimonials from Optness Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions

There are early registration discount available for those registering 21 days or more in advance of the course starting.

Cancellations up to 14 days before the workshop will receive a full refund, less 10% administrative fee. Cancellations up to 7 days before the workshop will receive 70% refund. Cancellations within 7 days of the workshop will not be refunded. Requests for refunds must be made through our contact form. Optness reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the event if enrollment is insufficient, due to instructor illness or unavailability, or any other causes. If Optness cancels an event, you will be refunded in full. If Optness reschedules an event, you will be refunded in full if you cannot attend the new date.
If you are unable to attend the training, you may send a substitute attendee in your place, or you can assist our online course. Please let us know as soon as possible if you will be sending a substitute or will not attend the event by sending us a note to through our contact form.
We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. That means the student can retake the course, also in other places and/or other professors or take other courses from Optness until they are satisfied with what they’ve learnt.

Yes, the Green Belt certification process consists of

  • attending to lectures
  • open-book take-home exam
  • and a short essay of a Six Sigma project

The take-home exam will realistically take 1 – 2 hours to complete. The research project could take 10 – 15 hours to complete, including doing research on a case study and drawing up the slides (detailed instructions and questions to answer will be provided after the workshop).

Have a Question?

To reach an academic representative, please email us at [email protected], or fill out the form below.